Australian Businesses have tightened IT Security during COVID19 There has been a realignment of priorities, as businesses have searched for savings in the current economic climate. In the past companies were forced to spend money on solutions that did not require any long term ROI. However, as budgets have been slashed, business owners are finding more efficient ways to ensure that they get the most from their IT spending. The following article will discuss how tighter budgets have impacted the security area of Australia.
Many businesses have been affected by the current global financial crisis, with some even closing shop and ceasing operations. As a result of the global credit crunch, some firms lost thousands of jobs, while others continued to operate while simultaneously cutting costs by implementing efficiency-boosting technology initiatives. While this helped cut costs, it also resulted in less discretionary income for the head office and a reduction in staff numbers – particularly in the information security area.
Cutting IT budgets has resulted in a lack of forward-thinking strategies. Some managers and directors have concluded that they simply do not have the time or skills in IT to continue developing and improving their information security systems. In response, many business firms have implemented IT departments, which have been able to provide them with resources and skills that have been stretched thin. However, as those positions have increased in size, so have the number of personnel required to support them. This has resulted in many firms having to outsource IT contractors to complete work that used to be completed within the company.
This trend is being taken advantage of by smaller firms that are looking to increase their security posture. By outsourcing their IT needs, the company has saved cash on hiring additional staff. At the same time, it has increased the security level of the overall organization, as well as the expertise of the employees. The best of the lot would be to outsource the entire network infrastructure. However, many of the smaller firms cannot afford this, as it can be very expensive.
Smaller firms that are not highly specialized in IT and network security may be able to reduce their IT budget by implementing some basic firewalls. The firewalls will protect all data from the outside, but they will also block access to the internal network. This is achieved by detecting unauthorized network entries and will then either deny entry, or trace the IP address to determine whether or not the user is authorized to enter. This simple security measure will drastically limit the amount of damage that a hacker could do to a firm’s information. While it may not stop hackers in their tracks completely, it will at least limit their access to the data that they want.
For companies that have developed their own IT department, then there are a few options available for them. One of the best options available is to hire an experienced professional who will develop an information security plan that allows for the continued protection of the company’s confidential information. The experienced professionals will be able to tailor a plan that works best for each particular business. It may take some time, but they will be able to give the businesses a plan that they can use in the current threats to the information that the company has. It might be wise to consult with an expert in this field before deciding on what course of action to take. This way, they can assess the threat that each specific business faces, and then develop a more effective plan to fight back against it.