How Atlas Chiropractors Address Common Health Conditions

The practice of Atlas Chiro translates to “hesperian chiro.” This clinic is located in Parsippo, Florida. It was founded by Dr. George J. Atlas, and his wife, Rosemary. Dr. Atlas is a practicing chiropractor who is dedicated to the art of chiropractic. He received his medical degree from the University of Michigan Medical School and specializes in physiological as well as biochemical disorders of the skeletal and muscular systems. He is certified by the American Board of Orthopedic Surgery.

Atlas Chiro

Atlas Chiropractic care is focused on spinal alignment through the application of spinal manipulation and massage. The goal of chiropractic treatment is to promote health and vitality, as well as to promote self-empowerment. Atlas Chiropractic focuses on healthy nervous system function as a contributing factor to overall health and well-being. Atlas Chiro believes that chiropractic treatment should be a part of everyday life. Atlas believes that chiropractic care should enhance the natural sense of well-being, instead of relegating it to special situations.

The chiropractors at Atlas Chiropractic are dedicated to providing chiropractic solutions for a broad variety of musculoskeletal complaints. They provide a full range of services to patients who seek chiropractic solutions for chronic back pain relief, neck pain, migraine headaches, shoulder pain, tennis elbow, whiplash, and headaches. Some of the common treatments provided at this facility include spinal manipulation, manual lymph drainage, therapeutic exercise, nutritional assessment, and ultrasound. They also offer rehabilitation services, and a podiatrist is on staff to help with issues such as balance, eye alignment, athletic performance, and neuromuscular issues. Patients can also get a referral to another chiropractor if they feel their initial treatment was not effective.

During your first visit, you will have several questions to ask your chiropractor about their training, qualifications, and philosophy of chiropractic care. You will want to know what methods are used to measure wellness and how those methods compare to medical standards. Atlas Chiropractors are expected to adhere to accepted medical standards of care, and they strive to offer patients high-quality health care. Your first visit will also allow you to discuss your health goals, such as weight loss or general health, and you can ask about what types of exercise or physical activities are recommended to reach those goals.

If you choose to pursue additional wellness or to make adjustments to your current condition, you will be given a more detailed examination. During this examination, your primary physician will review your history, physical examination, and assessment. This examination will give you the information you need to make an informed decision about further health care and chiropractic care. After the initial visit, you will be scheduled for at least two additional chiropractic visits.

While most chiropractors utilize the services of licensed massage therapists, Atlas Chiropractors encourage clients to use their hands when receiving massage therapy. Atlas Chiro encourages individuals to “touch to feel” by utilizing their natural motion during massage. For instance, instead of pushing a chair back into someone’s back, you can just gently grab the back of the person and move it in a massage motion. The same is true for individuals with pain issues, as the use of one’s hands during massage can provide a great amount of comfort, release stress, and increase range-of-motion. Many individuals that have had bad experiences with traditional medical care have found relief through the use of chiropractic care, including massage therapy. If you are interested in receiving treatment, speak with your local Atlas Chiropractor for more information.